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Being severely bipolar is a huge battle on a regular day when not on meds, I finally got into a pyschiatrist on the 5th of February. I was put on lithium which would help my mood swings, sleeping, and depression. I was more than thrilled, I could get my bitch mode undercontrol. So toddler in tow, we go to Meijer and get my prescription filled and wander around the store for 30 minutes while we waited! Fun? Not really, my daughter was on crack head mode and couldn't stand to sit still for a minute while I browsed a shelf or two. Well while we were walking I realized I'm 6 days late, so I grab a pregnancy test. Skip forward, we get home and eat dinner and I instantly feel sick! So I decide to take the test, not even 30 seconds and wahla it's positive! In shock honestly, still am a few days later. But it makes complete sense because not even two days before I wanted to put honey on my pizza, sick right? 


I am not taking my medicine until I see the OBGYN, smart thing? yes, but the hormones have me out of control raging. You can practically see the devil horns from a mile away and the big flashing sign saying, BEWARE SHE WILL CUT A BITCH. Does this mean I do not have pleasant times? Not really, I'm very pleasant when I'm sleeping. In all seriousness though, I am excited about this pregnancy and I am happy, even though I feel like someone pissed in my cheerios 55% of the time. It is going to be a constant battle, but I am ready to fight everyday. 



So if you have good vibes send them my way, because we all know I'll need them on the toughest days :)

Raging hormonal, dare I say it? Bitch. 

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